5 tips on how to write a good resignation letter

Congratulations! Our key positioning for Recruitment Hive is how are you placed for tomorrow, and you’ve taken that to heart – in fact, you’ve been offered a great new job.

Now you just have to resign from your current position.

Some people find the resignation process easy, for others it means facing quite substantial fear! If this sounds like you, here are some good tips to help you write that resignation letter.

1. Think about your reputation. You will be significantly remembered for how you started in your current position and for how you left. Both are often quite emotionally challenging times. No matter what the circumstances are of your resignation you must resign gracefully and professionally. The more trying the circumstances under which you resign and the more gracefully and professionally you act, the greater enhancement your reputation receives.

2. Bosses really don’t like surprises. Rather than your boss having an email arriving in their in-box with the subject line: Resignation Letter, better to speak to your boss first, face to face if possible, to advise them that you’ve accepted a new position and will be sending a formal resignation letter shortly. You need to send an official resignation letter or email, but bosses appreciate a gentle easing into changes rather than being blindsided. Talk to your boss first and then follow up with a formal resignation letter. In your follow up Resignation Letter, be specific about your intended last day of work.

3. Be thankful for your previous job. It is no small thing to employ someone. Your current organisation has invested in you heavily and provided you with a career expanding opportunity. Be mindful of this and thank your current employer for the opportunities you have had during your employment with them.

4. Don’t make your resignation letter a blockbuster novel. Keep it short and concise, no more than one page. A resignation letter is really a letter of facts. The key fact being that you have accepted another position and will be leaving your current position on a specific date. Any additional information, beyond a polite thank you, is not necessary.

5. Don’t be negative. Regardless of why you are resigning, don’t include anything negative towards the company or specific people. Remember your reputation! A graceful and professional exit is what your goal is. Any negativity within your resignation letter will certainly detract from your future reputation.

OK, so now…take a deep breath, think of your new career position – and start writing!

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